Type: Therapist, Therapy, Psychologist :

140+ Inclusive Mental Health Therapists Across India

Our community of specially curated counsellors care deeply about mental health and are dedicated to helping you take care of yours. You can find details about their respective private practices here.
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Aditi Ghatole | Image

Aditi Ghatole


Replies in 48 Working Hours (2 days).Accepts Enquiries via Email.

A 29 year old mental health therapist from Mumbai who practices online.

Practicing Since: 7 years

Private Practitioner | ₹ 1,000 - 1,500

Anusha Arora | Image

Anusha Arora


Replies in 48 working hours (2 days).Accepts Enquiries via Email.

A 29 year old mental health therapist from Mumbai who practices online and offline.

Practicing Since: 6 years

Private Practitioner | ₹ 2,300 - 2,500

Megha Mawandia | Image

Megha Mawandia


Replies in 24 working hours.Direct Booking Form Available.

A 43 year old mental health therapist from Mumbai who practices online and offline. They’re based out of Nepeansea Road.They also consult over home visits if requested.

Practicing Since: 9 years

Private Practitioner | ₹ 3,000 - 5,000

Aishwarya Bajaj | Image

Aishwarya Bajaj


Replies in 72 working hours (3 days).Accepts Enquiries via Email.

A 30 year old mental health therapist from Delhi who practices online and offline. They’re based out of Vikaspuri, West Delhi.

Practicing Since: 6 years

Private Practitioner | ₹ 2,000

Shalu Mehrotra | Image

Shalu Mehrotra


Replies in 48 Working Hours (2 days).Accepts Enquiries via Email.

A 54 year old mental health therapist from Mumbai who practices online and offline. They’re based out of Andheri East & Powai.

Practicing Since: 29 years

Private Practitioner | ₹ 1,200 - 2,000