Type: Therapist, Therapy, Psychologist :

Ipsita Chatterjee (She/Her)

Ipsita (She/Her) is a mental health therapist from Mumbai who practices online and offline. They’re based out of Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.

Ipsita is 30 years old, with at least 8 years of experience.

Therapy Services:   Individual Therapy (For Everyone) Couples Counselling Family Counselling Also Works With Neurodivergent Folks Also Works With Queer Folks 🏳️‍🌈

Replies in 48 working hours (2 days).Accepts Enquiries via Email.

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  • Practicing Since: 8 years
  • Appointments Via: Email, WhatsApp
  • Medium:
    • 🌐 Online
    • 📌 Offline
  • City: Mumbai
  • Area: Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
  • Qualifications:
    • Bachelor's in Psychology (University of Mumbai)
    • Master's in Applied Psychology - Clinical specialization (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai)
  • Additional Qualifications:
    • Short Term Course Certificate in Couple and Family Therapy (TISS, Mumbai)
    • Queer Affirmative Counselling Practices (MHI)
    • Certificate in LGBTQ Counseling Competencies (American Counseling Association)
    • Short Term Training in Narrative Practices (Ummeed, Narrative Practices India and Pause for Perspective)
    • Compassion Fatigue Certificate Training for Healthcare, Mental Health and Caring Professionals - Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (PESI)
    • Telepsychology Best Practices 101 Telebehavioral Health (American Psychological Association)
    • E-Mental Health in Practice (Australian National University)
    • Online Autism Training (University of Missouri-Columbia)
    • Understanding ADHD (The Open University)
    • Trauma Informed Care (Deborah Grey)
    • Trauma Informed Care and Practices (Trauma Toolbox)
    • Certificate in Applied Buddhist Psychology (Arth: The Bodhi Tree)
  • Languages Known: English, Hindi, and Bengali (English might be their primary language for therapy)
  • Hourly Fee (₹): 3,000 - 4,000
  • Payments Via: Bank Transfer, PayTM & Online Wallets, UPI/Google Pay, Cash
  • Available On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Notes: Fees:: Rs. 3000 individuals and Rs. 4000 couples (currently can only slide down to Rs. 2500 and Rs. 3500, lower sliding range and pro bono slots subject to availability).
  • Reach Out
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