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A guest resource written by Muskan Singh

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Tomorrow image
Hey dear reader, if you are reading this, let me tell you, that I’m one of you. I’ve had my share of ups and downs in life. I’m at a constant battle with depression. There are days when I don’t feel like getting up from bed, when I don’t feel like doing anything and everything seems worthless, even my life. On days like those, I like to re read this poem I wrote when I was going through one of the dark days. It helps me realize, that there’s a bright sunrise waiting for me at the other end of the horizon, all I’ve got to do is, be strong and just walk through this darkness, sooner or later, everything will be better again.

Every failure I’ve ever faced has taught me fall down and bounce back as more stronger, bolder and tougher than ever.
Every place I’ve ever visited has brought me closer to my own home.

Every moment that I’ve ever wasted, every sleepless night, every tear dropping down my eyes has got me into thinking,
is life about all the things we’ve lost or about all the things that we can gain? Is it about the people who’ve betrayed us or left us abandoned half way through or about the people who’ve never let us go? Is it about the numerous hardships we are facing today or about the infinite tales we’d have to narrate when we grow old?

Life is short and we should better not waste it living only on the darker side, we’ve got to figure out something good in every bad and a reason to smile whenever we are sad.
Trust me, together, we’ll find tomorrow.

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