Type: Resource:

The story inside

A guest resource written by Varsha Bhat
The story inside image
You can call it monday blues, social anxiety or many other things – this poem describes the feeling of fear in its very raw sense. It calls out the constant presence of an unwanted being in our lives – anxiety and depression – and however hard you try to ignore it or drive it way it always seems to find a way back.

You’ve always had a place in my head

Because everyday I see you, again and again

A reminder that you’re here to stay

And slowly but steadily you begin the descent to my heart

A rough climb is a even harder descend

But you don’t give up

Like waves on the beach you’re the unintentional metaphor for consistency

From my temples to my eyes to the tip of my nose to the tip of my tounge

All sights, smells & tastes change with every step you take

And just when you reach the corner of my jaw, there’s a dip you have to jump across

Its kind of steep but a really short leap to pass

So once you reached my collar bones you slide onto my ribs and grip me from within

Hello again the anxious rays of a bright monday morning

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