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Mocks and taunts are the sparks of wildfire

A guest resource written by Varsha Bhat

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Mocks and taunts are the sparks of wildfire image
When recalling a panic attack or feeling the anxiety of social interaction or being bullied or just seemingly fake encouragement – it sometimes gets hard to tell one apart from the other. This poem tries to capture that sense of fear and irritation.

While I stood there frozen in place

My beating heart tried so hard to mend me, to melt from the inside out

I can hear it jumping in its cage

And I can feel you poking and prodding me

Every word of judgement that flies my way crashing into my skin

As if I’m supposed to pick up these crumbs and sprout my wings of confidence

I gather together these harsh and prickly words and feel them cracking in my palms

And when I take a deep breath I’m trying to exhale out your unreliability

After this I close my door and build my walls up higher, no windows, no sight

So unless you can handle a few cuts of sharp glass don’t come knocking at this door

You’ll slip and fall onto the icy floor

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