Introducing the Buddy System by The Plane Jar
A guest post.
Under our Mental Health Campaign, we provide aid to people in many ways such as counselling, support group and the buddy system.
A guest post.
Under our Mental Health Campaign, we provide aid to people in many ways such as counselling, support group and the buddy system.
A guest post.
The world i see is a dull shade of grey that covers the walls of a sad and lonely hospital hallway leading to the morgue. My world is, in fact, just like those walls. Holding days and nights of painful cries and worried thoughts.
A guest post.
Every failure I’ve ever faced has taught me fall down and bounce back as more stronger, bolder and tougher than ever.
Every place I’ve ever visited has brought me closer to my own home.
A guest post.
Social media dominates our lives more than we think it does. There aren’t many of us who can go about our day doing anything productive or fancy without thinking about sharing it on social media first. It has become such a big part of our lives that it’s hard to stay away from it. We live in a time where social media addiction is real. While the research studies on this continue, it goes without saying that social media may tend to do more harm than good from a mental health perspective.
A guest post.
Begun with a bang,
Still dreaming about a mustang,
Not yet woke,
Oh this poor bloke.