Type: Support Group, Sharing Space :

Summertime Madness (BPD Support Group)

Support Group of people living with Borderline Personality (BPD).

Only For Folks With A Borderline Personality

Replies in 48 working hours (2 days).Direct Sign Up Form Available.

  • Fees Type: Paid
  • Notes: Group Fee: INR 500/-
  • Medium:
    β€’ 🌐 Online
  • City: Online Only
  • Facilitated By: A Mental Health Professional
  • Languages: English, and Hindi (English might be the primary language for this group)
  • Address: Zoom
  • Meets: Monthly, Last Thursday Of The Month.
  • Participant Limit: 15
Reach Out
  • What Is Summertime Madness (BPD Support Group) About?

    The BPD support group focuses on discussing various issues that people with Borderline Personality (BPD) commonly experience. BPD can be challenging to navigate, and our support group aims to provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences and learn from each other’s journeys.

    In our sessions, we cover topics such as isolation, splitting, and issues related to favorite person (FP). By coming together, we create a space where everyone can feel understood and validated. Our goal is to help each other build resilience, develop effective coping strategies, and improve overall well-being.

    The support group offers an opportunity to connect with others who face similar challenges, fostering a sense of community and empathy. We believe that by sharing our experiences and insights, we can learn and grow together.

  • What is your founding story?

    It is deeply rooted in my personal experience and my desire to create a safe and supportive space for individuals navigating Borderline Personality (BPD).

    Since I have faced the challenges of living with BPD myself, I understand the impact it can have on various aspects of life, including relationships, emotions, and overall well-being. I realized the importance of having a community where individuals can come together, share their journeys, and learn from one another.

    Through my own experiences, I recognized the need for a safe space where individuals with BPD can find understanding, acceptance, and support without judgment. I wanted to create a space where people could freely express themselves, share their struggles and triumphs, and receive encouragement from others who truly understand.

    Motivated by my own healing journey, I decided to start this support group to provide a platform for individuals with BPD to connect, learn, and grow together. My aim is to foster empathy, offer guidance, and provide resources that empower individuals to develop coping strategies, build resilience, and improve their overall well-being.

    By sharing my experiences, challenges, and hopes, I hope to inspire others and let them know they are not alone on their journey. Through this group, I aim to create a community where individuals with BPD can find solace, validation, and the support needed to thrive.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to bring this support group to life and witness the positive impact it has on the lives of our members. It is my sincere hope that through this safe space, I can contribute to the well-being and growth of individuals navigating BPD.

  • Who are the facilitators behind Summertime Madness (BPD Support Group)?
    This group is facilitated by Richa Vashista (she/they), a queer affirmative therapist from Mumbai. Richa says: “As someone who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder, I understand the challenges that come with navigating life. Our support group provides a safe and supportive environment where we can share our experiences and learn from each other’s journeys. Our goal is to help you build resilience, develop coping strategies, and improve your overall well-being.”

    Notes: The above information may change from time to time, and is shared with you to understand the background of where the support group comes from.
  • When was your support group founded? How has the journey been since then?

    Our support group was founded in May 2022, during BPD awareness month, and it has been over a year! Throughout the past year, our group has been a source of support and understanding for individuals navigating Borderline Personality (BPD).

    While the journey hasn’t been without its challenges, I have remained committed to providing a safe and nurturing space for our members. There were months when sessions couldn’t be held due to personal mental health concerns, but I believe in the importance of perseverance and continued support.

    Looking back on the past year, I am incredibly proud of the impact our support group has had on the lives of our participants. I have witnessed tremendous growth, shared experiences, and a strong sense of community. The feedback I have received from our members has been overwhelmingly positive, and I am grateful for the trust they have placed in us.

    As I move forward, our intentions remain focused on the well-being and empowerment of individuals with BPD. I aim to expand our reach and provide additional resources to support our community even further. Our vision is to create a lasting impact by fostering resilience, offering guidance, and promoting self-care.

  • Who is your support group for?
    Support Group for people living with Borderline Personality.
  • Explain your group's approach towards helping a person's mental health care.

    Our support group takes a person-centered and non-directive approach towards helping individuals with their mental health care. I believe in addressing mental health from a multifaceted perspective that considers the unique needs and experiences of each individual.

    One key aspect of our approach is the integration of various therapeutic modalities. I understand that different techniques resonate with different people, so I offer a range of approaches to support our participants. Our group provides a supportive and non-judgmental space where participants can explore different approaches and find what resonates with them personally. I encourage open dialogue, sharing of experiences, and learning from one another.

    Another nuance of our group’s approach is the emphasis on empowerment and self-care. I believe that individuals have the inner strength and capacity to navigate their mental health challenges. Through our group discussions and activities, we strive to help participants tap into their own resilience and develop practical coping strategies that work for them.

    Overall, the group’s approach is characterized by inclusivity, empathy, and flexibility. I aim to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore different avenues for healing and growth. Our goal is to empower participants to take an active role in their mental health care and to find strategies that resonate with their unique needs and experiences.

  • What is your group's approach towards professional mental health care interventions?
    At my support group, I prioritize the importance of professional mental health care interventions when needed. As a trained mental health professional myself, I have a reference list of trusted professionals that I can provide to participants if they require professional help beyond the scope of our group.
  • What conversations is your support group not equipped to support?

    We want to emphasize that while our support group is a valuable resource for individuals navigating mental health challenges, we are not a crisis helpline. It is important to understand that our group is designed to provide peer support, share experiences, and offer guidance within a safe and supportive environment.

    While I am certified as a suicide first responder, it’s important to note that the support group itself, including myself as the facilitator, is not equipped to offer immediate support in crisis situations. We strongly encourage individuals in crisis or those who require immediate assistance to reach out to appropriate professional helplines, local mental health services, or emergency resources in their region.

    As a certified suicide first responder, I have received training to offer support and assistance in suicide-related crises. However, it’s essential to recognize the limitations of our support group in providing immediate crisis intervention. Our focus is on fostering a supportive community, sharing experiences, and offering guidance for long-term mental health well-being.

    We are committed to the safety and well-being of all participants, and we prioritize creating a safe and empathetic environment. By acknowledging our role as a peer support group and directing individuals in crisis to professional helplines or services, we ensure that they receive the appropriate and immediate support they may require.

    It is our hope that individuals in crisis or experiencing immediate distress will utilize the resources available to them, including crisis helplines and local mental health services, which are specifically equipped to handle such situations. These professional services can provide immediate support, assessment, and intervention tailored to the individual’s needs.

    Our support group is here to offer understanding, empathy, and guidance within our capacity. We strive to create a supportive community that complements professional mental health care and encourages individuals to seek appropriate help when needed

  • How does one sign up? What’s the coordination process like?
    Scheduling is easy. Simply select the date and time that works best for you, and fill out some basic information so we can prepare for our session. I understand that joining a support group can be intimidating, but please know that our group is a judgment-free zone where you can feel comfortable being yourself. Reach Out
  • Walk us through the average format of your group session.
    During the session, we follow a structured format that includes the following elements. We begin with a warm welcome and introduction to create an inclusive atmosphere, reminding participants of the purpose and goals of the support group. Next, we move to the group check-in phase, where each participant has the opportunity to share their experiences since the last session, express challenges, victories, or specific topics they would like to address. Active listening and empathy are encouraged during this sharing process. We then transition into engaging group discussions on various topics relevant to our support group’s focus. I introduce specific themes, questions, or topics to spark thoughtful conversations, encouraging participants to share their insights, thoughts, and personal experiences. Active participation, support, and feedback from fellow participants are highly encouraged. To enhance our personal growth and well-being, we incorporate skill-building activities tailored to the session’s focus. These activities can include guided mindfulness exercises, journaling prompts, creative expression, or other interactive exercises designed to foster self-awareness, coping strategies, and self-care practices. Throughout the session, we also emphasize resource sharing. I provide relevant resources such as articles, books, or online materials to support participants on their mental health journey. Additionally, participants are encouraged to contribute their own recommendations, resources, or tools that have proven helpful to them. As the session comes to a close, we take a moment for reflection. Participants are invited to share any final thoughts, reflections, or takeaways from the discussions and experiences shared during the session. I express gratitude for their active participation and remind them of upcoming sessions or any relevant announcements. By following this structured format, we aim to create a supportive and enriching environment where participants can engage in meaningful discussions, learn valuable skills, access resources, and reflect on their personal growth and well-being.
  • What are your home rules/values?

    Confidentiality: The trust and confidentiality we maintain within our group are paramount. Let’s ensure that whatever is shared during our sessions remains within the group, fostering a safe space for vulnerability and personal growth

    Empathy and Respect: Each person’s journey is unique, and it is crucial that we approach one another with empathy and respect. By actively listening, validating each other’s experiences, and refraining from judgment, we can provide the understanding and support we all need

    Active Participation: Let’s actively participate in our discussions, offering constructive feedback and sharing personal experiences when comfortable. Your insights and perspectives are invaluable, and they contribute to the richness of our support group

    Personal Boundaries: We all have different comfort levels when it comes to sharing personal details or experiences. Let’s be mindful of each other’s boundaries and respect one another’s decisions regarding disclosure. Everyone should feel safe and empowered to share at their own pace

    Professional Support: While our support group provides a valuable platform, it is important to remember that it does not replace professional therapy or medical advice. Encourage one another to seek professional help when needed, and let’s avoid providing unsolicited professional advice

  • What do you hope for participants in your group to take back with them after a session?

    Support and Validation: I want participants to feel supported, understood, and validated in their experiences. It is crucial for them to know that they are not alone in their challenges and that their feelings and thoughts are valid.

    Insight and Self-Awareness: I aim to foster self-reflection and self-awareness within participants. By engaging in group discussions and sharing experiences, individuals can gain new insights, perspectives, and a deeper understanding of themselves and their journey.

    Coping Strategies and Skills: I strive to provide participants with practical coping strategies and skills that they can apply in their everyday lives. This may include techniques for managing emotions, developing healthy coping mechanisms, or enhancing communication and interpersonal skills.

    Connection and Community: It is my goal to create a sense of connection and community within the support group. I hope participants will develop meaningful connections, build supportive relationships, and feel a sense of belonging within the group.

    Empowerment and Resilience: I want participants to feel empowered and inspired to take an active role in their own mental health and well-being. By sharing experiences, learning from one another, and exploring personal strengths, individuals can develop resilience and a sense of agency in navigating their challenges.

    Continued Growth and Progress: Lastly, I hope that participants will carry the momentum and insights gained from each session into their ongoing journey of personal growth and progress. Whether it’s implementing new strategies, seeking additional support, or making positive changes in their lives, I want participants to feel motivated and equipped to continue their path of growth and healing

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