Type: Support Group, Sharing Space :

Queering The MehⓇ-trix

Safe space for discussing various issues you cope with, including abuse, mental health, and LGBTQIA+ experiences.

Populations & concerns:   LGBTQIA Support 🏳️‍🌈

Replies in 48 Working Hours (2 days).Direct Sign Up Form Available.

  • Fees Type: Free
  • Medium:
    • 🌐 Online
  • City: Online Only
  • Facilitated By: Facilitators & Peers
  • Languages: English
  • Address: Zoom
  • Meets: 1st & last Sunday of every month
Reach Out
  • What Is Queering The MehⓇ-trix About?
    This is a safe space for those struggling, questioning, stumbling, climbing, finding our way through the spectrum of sexuality, gender identity and everything around these themes. Those who attend our session find a sense of belonging, hard laughter (where we laugh at the hard stuff in life) and tools they can use in their own time ♥ Certain aspects of these discoveries will also be covered in our Let’s Discuss the MehⓇ sessions, however this space is here is specific for questioning humans or those in the early stages of their queer journey.
  • What is your founding story?

    This session is facilitated by Jo, Rahel, & Bhairavi.
    Jo is a Transfeminist activist, PhD research scholar/anthropologist who in addition to having lived experiences also has deep contextual knowledge of the cultural and social environment in which identities develop and interact with each other.

    Rahel, who works with mental health education has been actively exploring her queer identity in the recent years. Bhairavi is a psychologist and here as an ally to provide mental health support during this session.

    What is The Meh Ⓡ? It is an overwhelming feeling of emotions and thoughts - sadness, loneliness, worry, boredom, disconnection, numbness and so on. The Meh Ⓡ is a simple way to articulate that you’re not okay

  • When was your support group founded? How has the journey been since then?
    This particular space is new, but been doing Let’s Discuss The Meh since 2019 and Doodles/Writing for the Meh through the pandemic
  • Who is your support group for?
    A safe space for those struggling, questioning, stumbling, climbing, finding our way through the spectrum of sexuality, gender identity and everything around these themes.
  • Explain your group's approach towards helping a person's mental health care.
    These are what we believe to be powerful & healing - A sense of belonging - Articulating questions/thoughts/experiences in a space & it being received with love - Having experts & lived experience side by side - A space for mistakes & sitting with that
  • What is your group's approach towards professional mental health care interventions?
    At the session we have MH specialist + list of trusted professionals we refer to
  • How does one sign up? What’s the coordination process like?
    Sign up form is available for each session! Reach Out
  • Walk us through the average format of your group session.
    -boundary setting -Check in - Engage with illustrations as a way to share - asking/recieving - grounding - close out
  • What are your home rules/values?
    Non-judgemental, its ok to have disagreements but a way to express it, be non directive when sharing, trigger warnings

Ready To Reach Out To ?

Hit the button below, ask questions, clear doubts or anything else you might need to clarify. You’ve got this! 🙂

Next Meeting

Sunday, Sep 15 2024 @ 3:00pm - 5:30pm

Reach Out

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