Type: Therapist, Therapy, Psychologist (Currently on leave):

Arushi Ralli (She/Her)

Arushi (She/Her) is a mental health therapist from Delhi, Dharamshala who practices online. They’re based out of East Delhi.

Arushi is 29 years old, with at least 7 years of experience.

Therapy Services:   Individual Therapy (For Everyone) Grief Counselling Also Works With Queer Folks 🏳️‍🌈

Not taking sessions.Direct Booking Form Available.

Visit Their Instagram Page
  • Practicing Since: 7 years
  • Appointments Via: Email, WhatsApp
  • Medium:
    • 🌐 Online
  • City: Delhi, Dharamshala
  • Area: East Delhi
  • Qualifications:
    • Masters in Applied Psychology, University of Delhi
  • Languages Known: English, and Hindi (English might be their primary language for therapy)
  • Hourly Fee (₹): 1,800 - 3,000
  • Payments Via: PayTM & UPI
  • Available On: Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Notes: Marksheet received. Degree to be received by TheMindClan.com.
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