Type: Resource:
  • Date Thursday, Jul 11 - Sep 5, 2024 (4 Sessions)
  • Time @ 8:00pm - 9:15pm
  • Event Medium Online
Journaling Collective Event Banner

Journaling and Reflection Workshop

Group Type: Workshop

Goals of the Group:

  1. To provide a safe space for individuals to journal and reflect in a group setting.
  2. To facilitate personal growth and understanding through self-expression.

Who Is The Group For?

  1. This workshop is suitable for anyone who is interested in journaling and self-reflection.
  2. It is especially beneficial for those seeking a supportive environment to explore their thoughts and feelings.

Discussion Topics:

  1. The power of journaling for mental health and personal growth.
  2. Techniques for effective journaling and self-reflection.
  3. Sharing and discussing journal entries in a group setting.

What Will We Talk About?

  1. Participants will share and discuss their journal entries, providing a unique opportunity for mutual understanding and support.
  2. The facilitator, a psychologist, will guide discussions and offer insights to enhance the journaling experience.

Glimpse of the Session:

  1. Each session will begin with a brief discussion on a specific journaling topic.
  2. Participants will then have time to journal on their own, followed by a group sharing and discussion session.
  3. The workshop aims to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences.

Please note that the session topics, order and other details may be subject to change based on the needs and preferences of the group members and facilitators.

  • Date: Thursday, Jul 11 - Sep 5, 2024
  • Time: @ 8:00pm - 9:15pm
  • Number Of Sessions: 4
  • ETA:
  • Event Medium: Online
  • Organized By: Organized By The Community
  • Address: Zoom/Google Meet
  •   Fee:   ₹ 2,500 - 5,000  
  • Notes from the organizer: Buy 1 session for INR 700 | Buy 4 sessions for INR 2500 | Buy 8 sessions for INR 4000 | Fee will double for participants based outside India | Unlimited Peer Calls Included
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