A private gathering to delve into and navigate one of the most significant choices you may ever encounter.
Group Type: Decision-Centric Group
Group Objectives:
The choice to become a parent or not is one of the most consequential decisions you’ll ever make.
- This group serves as a secure environment for individuals who are uncertain about their desire to have children, or not.
- The conversations will assist you in examining your own thought process.
- In reality, a definitive decision may not be reached within 4 weeks, but you will acquire the necessary tools to commence your journey.
Who is the group for?
Anybody who finds themselves juggling these thoughts - men, women, non-binary, single, married, and partnered people.
- “I’m afraid of losing my partner because he wants kids, and I don’t know what I want. I think I don’t want them.”
- “I’m afraid of losing my identity, freedom, and comfort if I have children. Afraid of regretting it if I don’t.”
- “I’ve always wanted to have a baby, but is it even ethical, knowing the environmental and political climate?”
- “I need some peace and clarity from the torture of sitting on the fence for too long.”
Kindly take note that the session topics, sequence, and other particulars are subject to alteration based on the requirements and preferences of the group members and facilitators.
Please note that the session topics, order, and other details may be subject to change based on the needs and preferences of the group members and facilitators.