Type: Resource:

Be Better at Relationships

  • Date Tuesday, Aug 27 - Oct 8, 2024 (6 Sessions)
  • Time @ 8:00am - 9:15am
  • Event Medium Online
Be Better at Relationships Event Banner

Relationship Skills Workshop

Group Type: Workshop

Goals of the Group:

  • To provide a space for learning and enhancing skills for building and maintaining healthy relationships.

Who Is The Group For?

  • This group is for anyone looking to learn and improve skills for building and maintaining healthy relationships.

Discussion Topics:

  • Effective Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Building Trust
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Enhancing Connection

What Will We Talk About?

  • Techniques for clear, honest, and respectful communication.
  • Methods for resolving disagreements and conflicts constructively.
  • Strategies for understanding and managing your emotions and those of others.
  • Approaches to build and sustain trust in relationships.
  • Practices for establishing and respecting boundaries within relationships.
  • Activities and techniques to deepen emotional and relational bonds.

Glimpse of the Session:

Each session will focus on one or more of the discussed topics, providing practical skills and strategies for building and maintaining healthy relationships.

Please note that the session topics, order and other details may be subject to change based on the needs and preferences of the group members and facilitators.

  • Date: Tuesday, Aug 27 - Oct 8, 2024
  • Time: @ 8:00am - 9:15am
  • Number Of Sessions: 6
  • ETA:
  • Event Medium: Online
  • Organized By: Organized By The Community
  • Address: Zoom/Google Meet
  •   Fee:   ₹ 3,500 - 6,000  
  • Notes from the organizer: Early Bird Fee (at 50% off) - INR 2500 (India) | INR 4200 (Outside India) | Get 30% off if you buy for two
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