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Understanding 'Intersectionality' In Mental Health | Image

Understanding 'Intersectionality' In Mental Health

One of our core values at TheMindClan.com is advocating for and holding on to the fact that “mental health is intersectional”.

🔊 Audio Narration Included!

October 10, 2020 Read More

How To Support Someone Else In Seeking Therapy | Image

How To Support Someone Else In Seeking Therapy

At TheMindClan.com, we are strong advocates for mental health care that breaks away from the cookie-cutter approach. We recognize that mental health care can look different for different people, and everyone’s support systems are very personal.

🔊 Audio Narration Included!

September 17, 2020 Read More

Differences between Counsellors, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Life Coaches. | Image

Differences between Counsellors, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Life Coaches.

As the stigma around finding support for your mental health reduces, there is a valid confusion about the professions in the mental health field. Who are the professionals in this space? Who should you be reaching out to? Let’s find out.

June 4, 2020 Read More

A Short Guide On Trigger Warnings | Image

A Short Guide On Trigger Warnings

What is a trigger warning?

A Trigger warning is a statement that cautions a reader about potentially disturbing or upsetting content. They appear in different ways on different platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram warn their users about triggering images by blurring them out. Most platforms however, do not offer any trigger warning features. This means that the responsibility of informing whether the content could be distressing, falls onto you, the user.

June 1, 2020 Read More

Condemning Conversion Therapy | Image

Condemning Conversion Therapy

May 17th is marked as the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. On this day, 30 years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized that homosexuality is not a disease. As we celebrate the resilience of LGBTQ+ communities, we recognize that there is still a long way to go in the fight against discrimination.

May 17, 2020 Read More

Origami of Becoming: A doodle journal | Image

Origami of Becoming: A doodle journal

A guest post.

We are born into stories. Since time immemorial and the days around the campfire, we have been telling stories. Some stories we carry with us about who we are and what is important for us and we build connections by re-telling these stories. This journal is a canvas for documenting these life stories. It offers you a space to jot down or doodle those small things that get you happy, content, and joyful. And yes, it may be from any story of your life or something that you saw or felt. It can be as vivid as reliving a childhood memory, rewinding your favourite playlist, scrawling words that you hold close or even illustrating secret maps to your hidden wafer packets.

April 6, 2020 Read More

Accessing online lists of therapists? Here's what you need to keep in mind | Image

Accessing online lists of therapists? Here's what you need to keep in mind

These are trying, difficult and uncertain times due to the sudden and rapidly growing COVID-19 pandemic across the world. What is emerging as a collective human response to the distress is little actions of support, resilience, and hope that we are sharing with each other.

March 24, 2020 Read More

Working from home? Watch out for these flags | Image

Working from home? Watch out for these flags

For years, we’ve seen various companies, big and small, built on the concept of having remote teams, distributed across locations and sometimes even time zones. Employees have witnessed first-hand the tangible benefits of a remote job, primarily on their physical and emotional health.

March 21, 2020 Read More

Prioritizing digital distancing | Image

Prioritizing digital distancing

We’ve been reading a bunch of tips on how to care for ourselves in this outbreak. From practicing social distancing to tips on how to wash our hands, we’re slowly equipping ourselves with the knowledge we need to cope with the outbreak.

March 20, 2020 Read More

A collection of resources for mental health support | Image

A collection of resources for mental health support

With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus across the world, we are faced with real possibilities of isolation, contagion, and immense financial, social, and personal uncertainty. In response to these stressors, many of our bodies and minds are experiencing distress in the form of anxiety, panic, sadness, confusion or loneliness. Firstly, we want you to know that these feelings are okay to experience. Our distress is a natural and normal response to these conditions of uncertainty. These are hard times and none of us has experienced anything like this before. Our collective mental health is impacted and we need to acknowledge that with kindness. We are with you through this.

March 20, 2020 Read More