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πŸ™Œ Introducing Our All New Platform | Image

πŸ™Œ Introducing Our All New Platform

We’re so excited to be sharing this with you πŸ€—

At TheMindClan.com, we’ve always been deeply passionate about enabling you with tools, resources, and know-hows on caring for your mental health. We have been strong propagators of the belief that there is no cookie-cutter approach to mental health care, and have finally launched a platform redesign that reflects these intentions more clearly.

May 3, 2020 Read More

Platform Covid-19 Announcement | Image

Platform Covid-19 Announcement

Safe spaces are crucial to experience mental health care. The coronavirus pandemic and the unprecedented measures to contain its spread has come in the way of many individuals trying to access their safe spaces.

May 2, 2020 Read More

Free Therapy Worksheet by TheMindClan.com | Image

Free Therapy Worksheet by TheMindClan.com

In one’s journey to practice mental health care, a counsellor that gets you and supports your journey is one we all hope for. When it comes to beginning that journey in therapy, we know that the process isn’t as easy as we’d like for it to be.

August 20, 2019 Read More

Making our Mental Health Platform more Accessible | Image

Making our Mental Health Platform more Accessible

When we launched TheMindClan.com in May of last year, we knew we wanted to empower you with tools for mental health care. As we grew, we became increasingly aware of the sensitivity we need to convey, and inclusivity we need to nurture towards every individual who uses the platform.

June 28, 2019 Read More

The power of helpful responses in supporting Mental Health | Image

The power of helpful responses in supporting Mental Health

Each of us has experienced rough days and times when our mental health has taken a hit. Moments when getting through the day feel like a struggle and routine tasks seem like a burden weighing down on us. There could be pain, numbness, chaos or overwhelming emptiness, as our individual experiences of difficult days can be very diverse. But what has stood out to us as a common thread that ties these experiences together is the role of words and their influence on us.

October 3, 2018 Read More

Why a platform for Mental Health? | Image

Why a platform for Mental Health?

Over the past few years, a pathbreaking period has begun for mental health in India. We saw several people like celebrities, comedians, artists, politicians, and next-door Janes and Joes open up to acknowledge one thing. That mental health concerns exist, mental health care is a priority, and mental health is for all.

July 27, 2018 Read More