Type: Therapist, Therapy, Psychologist :
Riona Lall Picture

Riona Lall (She/Her)

Replies in 48 Working Hours.Direct Booking Form Available.

Riona (She/Her) is a 43 year old mental health therapist from Mumbai who practices online and offline. They’re based out of Andheri West.They also consult over home visits if requested.

  • Concerns & People them Works With:

    I work with persons aged 16 years above. The areas of concerns that I work in addressing are linked to difficulties with mood, anxiety, navigating challenges in the workplace as well as in relationships with friends, partners and family members.

    You may clarify the above details with them directly. Get to know them 👇

Key Details

Age & Experience
43 years old, with at least 19 years of experience
₹3,500 - ₹6,000
Session Duration
45-60 Minutes
English, Hindi, and Bengali
Session Medium
Online, and Offline
City & Area
Mumbai (Andheri West)
Masters in Applied Psychology (specializing in Clinical Psychology) (+6 More)

Replies in 48 Working Hours.Direct Booking Form Available.

  • Practicing Since: 19 years
  • Age: 43
  • Appointments Via: Phone Call, Email, WhatsApp
  • Medium:
    • 🌐 Online
    • 📌 Offline
  • City: Mumbai
  • Area: Andheri West
  • Qualifications:
    • Masters in Applied Psychology (specializing in Clinical Psychology)
  • Additional Qualifications:
    • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (Training by Dr. Russ Harris, I'm Learning ACT)
    • Inner Child Healing in Systematic Family Therapy (Training by Cognial Healers’ Academy Accredited by IPHM, UK)
    • Narrative Therapy (Accredited by Ummeed Child Development Center, Mumbai in Collaboration With Narrative Practices Adelaide and Re-Authoring Teaching, Vermont)
    • EMDR Association, India (Accredited by Trauma Recovery, EMDR Human Assistance Programs) - Basic EMDR Training
    • Primary Certificate in Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Training by Australian Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy (Accredited by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy in New York, USA)
    • Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Training by Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Australia
  • Languages Known: English, Hindi, and Bengali (English might be their primary language for therapy)
  • Hourly Fee (₹): 3,500 - 6,000
  • Typical Session Duration: 45-60 Minutes.
  • Payments Via: Bank Transfer, Cash
  • Available On: Monday - Saturday
  • Reach Out
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