Type: Therapist, Therapy, Psychologist (Currently on leave):

Indratapa Das (She/Her)

Indratapa (She/Her) is a mental health therapist from Bengaluru who practices online and offline. They’re based out of Indiranagar.

Indratapa is 29 years old, with at least 4 years of experience.

Populations & concerns:   Individual Therapy (For Everyone) Navigating Neurodivergence (Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Etc.) LGBTQIA Support 🏳️‍🌈

Not taking sessions.Direct Booking Form Available.

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  • Practicing Since: 4 years
  • Appointments Via: Phone Call, Email, WhatsApp
  • Medium:
    • 🌐 Online
    • 📌 Offline
  • City: Bengaluru
  • Area: Indiranagar
  • Qualifications:
    • MSc Counselling Psychology
  • Additional Qualifications:
    • Value-Added Course in Psychoanalytic Studies
  • Languages Known: English, Hindi, and Bengali (English might be their primary language for therapy)
  • Hourly Fee (₹): 2,200 - 2,500
  • Payments Via: Bank Transfer, UPI/Google Pay, Razorpay Payment Gateway
  • Available On: Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Notes: Fee Breakdown: Online session - 2200 (50 mins); In person session - 2500 (50 mins); limited sliding scale slots - 1500-2000 (50 mins). Fee for NRIs: $50 (50 mins); limited sliding scale slot - $35-$40 (50 mins)
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  • Why did you choose to become a counsellor?
    To find answers for myself. My environment, while supportive in practical ways, was unable to give me the language with which to make sense of myself and the people around me. The TV show The Mentalist sparked my interest as I realised there’s a language of human behaviour that I could learn. That small but fierce need in me to make meaning of what I observed within and around me led me to become a counsellor.
  • What excites you about your work as a counsellor?
    The feeling of being on the edge of what I know about people and myself is thrilling to me. While my training and continued education gives a sense of knowing, the reality of this job never seizes to amaze me. My work continues to be challenging and rewarding on a daily basis. This forces me to go deeper into my own work with my therapist, which in turn deepens my work with my clients. My clients have been my best teachers and I’m grateful to be in a position where people risk vulnerability with me in the therapy room.
  • What do you hope for your clients to experience after their first session with you?
    Hope is the most important thing I hope clients take away after their first session with me. Hope that they can feel more settled within their own minds. Hope that they can be themselves as fully as possible..
  • What would you wish to tell a client who is thinking about seeking counselling?
    I wish a client considering therapy would understand that when one hires a gym instructor, they don’t lift the weights for us. A common wish that clients come in with is that the therapist would listen to their problem and tell them how to solve it. Thought it’s natural to want this, it is a wish. In therapy, the client does the work, the therapist supports.
  • Describe the relationship that you would wish to build with your client in counselling.
    The relationship that I build with my clients is that of an ally. An ally who is deeply interested in seeing them and accepting them for who they are. An ally who reflects what they see so that they too can see and accept themselves as they are.
  • In your counselling work so far, what has been your greatest learning from your clients?
    My greatest learning from my clients has been resilience. The creativity that I have witnessed in the way that my clients have made the best of their adverse circumstances leaves me in awe of them.
  • What are some of your strengths as a counsellor that you value and appreciate?
    A strength as a counsellor that I value and appreciate is my humour. Well timed and respectful humour breaks ice and builds alliance faster than anything else I do.
  • What are some of the things you like to do in your free time?
    I tend to my small balcony garden, listen to a lot of music and have small home decor craft projects. It seems my curiosity is insatiable when it comes to learning about people and their stories, so I spend much of my free time seeking people’s stories in real life and in media.
  • What are the areas of concern you address in counselling? Do you work with specific populations?
    I work with adults (between ages 20-55 years). I address concerns such as childhood trauma, relationship concerns, dysfunctional family dynamics, anxiety, depression, meaning and purpose in life, life transitions and other such psychosocial concerns.
  • What is the therapeutic approach you use? How would you describe it to someone who wants to consult you for therapy?
    My therapeutic approach is an integration of relational Gestalt therapy and Psychodynamic therapy. It is oriented towards awareness and acceptance of self, others and the world. To gain awareness, we look at childhood to contextualise the present. My therapeutic approach emphasises the need for acceptance of who we are before attempting to change ourselves into someone we believe we should be. Desired change becomes a natural outcome of acceptance.
  • How do you make your therapeutic practice a safe and affirmative space for queer and trans* folx?
    I create a safe and affirmative space first and foremost by acknowledging my limitations as a cis-het woman. I take the stance of learning from the person in front of me about them as opposed to taking an expert position. I believe my client is the expert on themselves. I also bring into the therapy room, the larger and powerful systems that threaten safety.
  • The Quote Indratapa Resonates With

    I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, its beautiful. If not, it cant be helped.

    Fritz Perls

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