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Online Box Breathing Exercise

A simple breathing exercise to find your calm, at a pace that’s personal to you.

Video Demo: Box Breathing

Video Demo: Box Breathing

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This exercise is designed to run infinitely. By default, the duration is set to 3 seconds each for inhaling, holding and exhaling. Feel free to change the duration and hit Pause whenever you'd like to!

Remember, it's okay to pace yourself; your well-being is what matters most.

How To Use The Resource

There is no right or wrong way to use this resource. We encourage you to personalize it for your needs and what you find most helpful or accessible.

  • What is Box Breathing?
    Box Breathing, featured on TheMindClan.com, is a relaxation technique involving controlled breathing. People often find this helpful to reduce stress or anxiety, improve concentration, and calm the nervous system. Box breathing is also known as 4-4-4 breathing, square breathing, equal breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing.
  • How does Box Breathing help in stress management?
    Box Breathing helps you become more mindful of your breath, as you consciously make it slower and deeper. This is known to reduce cortisol (the stress-related hormone) in the body, bring focus to the present moment, and activate the relaxation response in your nervous system. To know more about the benefits of box breathing along with cited research, check out this resource.
  • Is Box Breathing suitable for everyone?

    Yes, Box Breathing is a simple breathing technique suitable for anyone looking to manage stress and orient themselves to the present moment.

    At the same time, it’s important to note that breathwork is not the only way to practice stress management and grounding. If you don’t prefer to engage in breath related exercises, you can check out our other resources on our Exercises page that help you explore feelings, sensory grounding and much more.

    Additionally, a lot of folks with a history of trauma or neurodivergent folks may find it distressing to focus on their breathing or internal body sensations as an anchor for grounding. If this resonates with you, your discomfort is valid and you do not need to push yourself to do a breathing exercise.

    Connect with your therapist to explore other grounding techniques that suit your needs and feel more accessible. Honouring your safety and your body’s capacities is always a priority! If you’d like to a connect with an inclusive therapist, you could also click here.

  • How can I practice Box Breathing?
    Visit the exercise section of this page, for a step-by-step guide on Box Breathing. Our interactive guide is easy to follow, gives you full autonomy to manage the duration of your breathing as per your pace, and can be practiced anywhere, anytime.
  • Do I need any special equipment for Box Breathing?
    No, Box Breathing requires no special equipment. It can be practiced in any quiet place where you can sit or lie down comfortably.
  • What makes TheMindClan.com's guide on Box Breathing unique?

    Our Box Breathing guide stands out with its interactive and illustrated approach, allowing you to set your own pace (3, 4, or 5 seconds each for inhale, hold, exhale and hold again). The platform guides you through the breathing exercise visually on your device’s screen, making it easy to follow and self-paced.

    Additionally, if you’re using a mobile device, you will experience a gentle vibration synchronized with the breathing exercise, enhancing the immersive experience and aiding in relaxation.

  • Will the exercise be difficult to do? What if I’m feeling uncomfortable during the exercise?

    You may experience slight uneasiness during the exercise, especially if you are doing this for the first time. That’s absolutely normal! We encourage you to start with the shortest duration of breathing that’s doable for you (say, 3 seconds for each part of the breathing cycle).

    You can incorporate this exercise in your daily/weekly routine even when you’re feeling neutral or calm, so that your body has a chance to grow comfortable with controlled breathing and is able to build muscle memory around it. A regular practice will allow you to access this technique more easily during a moment of stress or anxiety.

    However, if the discomfort during this exercise feels too much to bear, please pause the exercise, listen to what your body needs, and connect with your therapist for more guidance. If you’d like to a connect with an inclusive therapist, you could also click here.

  • Can you recommend further resources on Box Breathing?
  • Where can I find mental health support?

    Visit TheMindClan.com for a curated list of inclusive therapists, support groups, helplines, and other resources. Each resource is carefully curated by us. You can also find Queer Affirmative and Neurodivergent Affirmative therapists and support groups on our platform, as well as those who specifically for concerns like grief.

Please be mindful that technical glitches can exist on this page. Please report any glitch to us when you experience them, but do trust your body and its signals, and do not push yourself too hard. If you feel uncomfortable, take a break or reach out to a professional for guidance.

Online Box Breathing Exercise for Stress Relief & Mindfulness | Exercise on TheMindClan.com

Discover Box Breathing at TheMindClan.com: a simple yet effective technique for relaxation and mindfulness. Ideal for reducing stress, enhancing focus, and calming the mind. Suitable for daily practice for everyone looking to improve their mental wellness.

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