Type: Resource:

Mental Health Utopia

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We, TheMindClan.com, stand on the vision of building towards a Mental Health Care Utopia. We call this our utopia, because we believe in an ideal world where mental health care is a system that caters to everyone, everywhere. ♥️⁣

Our belief is audacious and our hope uninhibited, but your support in our work helps us see the seeds of this utopia growing every single day. ⁣⁣

We see a path, and we want you to come along with us on this journey to utopia, one step at a time.⁣⁣

Let’s do this 🎉⁣⁣

⁣We’re deeply thankful to “The Bhor Foundation” for giving us the opportunity to present our vision as a poster and give life to our ideas at their festival ‘Project Reclamation’.

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