Information on this page has been sourced from the the helpline.
Run by: School of Human Ecology, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Timings: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday @ 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Number: +919152987821
Email: [email protected]
iCALL, operated by the School of Human Ecology at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), is known for being a pioneering telephone and email-based counseling service in India. It offers free support to individuals experiencing emotional and psychological distress, regardless of age, language, gender, sexual orientation, or issues. The service is staffed by a team of qualified mental health professionals, ensuring that users receive professional care.
Since April 2015, iCALL has been primarily funded by the Mariwala Health Initiative (MHI), which is known for being a leading organization in mental health funding in India. MHI supports a rights-based approach to create a holistic and accessible mental health ecosystem.
Helpline counseling, as offered by iCALL, is a non-traditional yet effective form of mental health support. It eliminates geographical barriers, is free, and maintains confidentiality. With technological advancements, accessing these services has become more convenient for users.
iCALL’s counseling services are provided by professional, trained counselors from Monday to Saturday, 10 AM to 8 PM. The service collaborates with academic institutions, corporates, and government and non-government bodies. Faculty from the School of Human Ecology advise on counselor recruitment, training, and service evaluation.
The iCALL helpline is known for offering several benefits: professional counseling services by qualified counselors, immediate access during working hours, anonymity and confidentiality, a supportive environment, and ongoing assistance to empower individuals in managing their situations.
For more information or to access services, contact iCALL at the provided phone number or email.
Helplines (for the most part) should offer a safe space for any experience you’re going through. It’s okay to feel awkward to not know how to bring the conversation up, the helpline volunteers are trained to help you!
Do ensure you are only sharing information that you feel comfortable to share. A rule of thumb is to never share your full name, bank details, personal address, or other identifiable information with a helpline.
We try and only list those helplines which have come recommended by the community to us. While most helplines have supporting press releases and brochures to support their claim of being "queer friendly", as we don’t have access to their volunteer training resources, we can never be too sure.
Please do not feel forced to open up about your experience of queerness or marginalization with the helplines you call. Let them earn your trust.
We do call every helpline we list, to ensure their details are correct. If our community reports a helpline as harmful, unresponsive, or otherwise, we update this page accordingly.
No. does not operate or own any of the helplines listed on this page. is not designed to offer support in crisis situations, which is why we’ve made a list of organizations in this space who do claim to offer this support.
These services operate independently and does not own, operate, or take any part in their day to day activities.
We do, however, believe that several people have had positive experiences with the helplines mentioned on this page and we hope to only feature those services that are trustworthy and effective.
If these helplines are not able to help you and you’re still in intense distress, please reach out to a trusted nearby hospital or call trusted emergency services.
Based on our experience calling helplines, we understand that each helpline may have its own policy regarding call recording. We recommend checking directly with the helpline you are contacting to understand their specific practices.
This will help ensure that you are comfortable with the level of privacy and confidentiality they offer. Additionally, it’s a good idea to ask what recording means for them, as it could be for legal compliance or training purposes.
Call back, and let the responder know what happened. Crisis intervention, especially if suicidality is a factor, is not easy, and not even the experts get it perfect every time. A mental health professional who is also a helpline operator had once shared, “Personally, if I have a call go “south” on me, nothing makes me happier than to know that the person called back and had a better conversation with one of my colleagues.”
If you have a complaint about a helpline experience, please try to report it to the helpline administration by emailing them. Each helpline’s email address or website has been provided on this page.
If calling them back does not work out, reach out to another helpline listed here. The professionals on the other side do want to help you in any way they can.
If the helplines don’t work out in general and if you are in crisis, another thing you could consider is visiting the nearest trusted hospital or emergency room where they may connect with a psychiatrist, social worker, counsellor or therapist in person.
If you care for someone who has attempted suicide in the past or is at risk for a suicide attempts, you don’t have to feel alone in this. You may not be able to completely fix their problems or take away their pain. But what you can do is access appropriate supportive services for your loved one and for yourself. Here are some steps you could take to help a loved one who is showing suicidal behaviour:
If you feel ready and comfortable to, have an open conversation with your loved one about their experience. Ask your loved one directly: “Are you thinking about suicide?” “Are you planning to harm yourself?” Being direct is said to not cause a person who is not suicidal to become suicidal. Talking about it may help to reduce your loved one’s suicidal distress by creating a climate of openness and caring.
Listen to them without judgment or interruptions. You can help your loved one feel calmer and less alone simply by being willing to listen attentively and without bias.
Tell them directly that they are loved and that they are not a burden. Though it may seem obvious to us, sometimes the depression or hopelessness or helplessness may push our loved one towards believing otherwise. It always helps to remind them that they matter.
Reach out to a therapist, support group or a helpline service yourself to seek guidance on what you can do next. It is important to connect your loved one to any or all of these services that they may find most helpful.
Create a safety plan with your loved one. Check pages 7 and 9 of this PDF (External Link) for details on how you can go about doing this.
As a caregiver/ally, you become a part of a supportive team – that includes family members, friends, mental health professionals and other service providers – working together to help your loved one stay safe.
This page exists to provide access to crisis helplines, for those who are in distress. does not own or operate the crisis helplines listed, and make no claims to the accuracy of the information provided. It cannot be held liable for any issues arising from usage of these independent third party service providers. If you are in a crisis and the helplines are not able to help you, please reach out to a trusted nearby hospital or call trusted emergency services. While the helplines listed are free, local charges may apply when you call them up.
This page is not maintained by the helplines listed. If you are looking for more information, please visit the helpline's website. Please verify all details on this page yourself as well, as we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. You may report any inaccuracies to us.
If you are looking for more helplines, you can find them below.
About: The Mann Talks Helpline offers free and confidential emotional and psychological support through a team of trained mental health professionals.
Run by: Trained Counsellors.
Timings: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday @ 09:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Number: +918686139139
Email: [email protected]
Website: Visit Website.
About: One Future Helpline offers pro-bono peer listening support to those seeking a listening ear in English and Hindi.
Run by: Trained Volunteers.
Timings: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, @ 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Number: +918043053588
Website: Visit Website.
About: Parivarthan Counselling Helpline (PCH), is a free phone counselling service operated by a team of 15 trained, certified and multi-lingual counsellors.
Run by: Trained Counsellors.
Timings: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, @ 1:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Number: +917676602602
Email: [email protected]
Website: Visit Website.
About: A 24x7 Free helpline manned by professionals and volunteers.
Run by: Trained Volunteers.
Timings: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday @ 00:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Number: +919999666555
Website: Visit Website.
We imagine that it is really tough right now, but we urge you to hold on. Things will not always stay this way. Hang in there. wants you to remember that you are going to get through this. You matter. Stay with us. Reach out.
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