Type: Support Group, Sharing Space (Currently on a break):

Chhaanv ( छाँव )

Safe space for people who want to navigate through the issues affecting their mental well-being. T

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  • Fees Type: Free
  • Medium:
    • 🌐 Online
  • City: Online Only
  • Facilitated By: Mix Of Professionals & Facilitators
  • Languages: English, and Hindi (English might be the primary language for this group)
  • Meets: Monthly
  • Participant Limit: 8
  • What Is Chhaanv ( छाँव ) About?
    Chhaanv छाँव - A Mental Health & Well-being Support Group is an initiative to provide shade to people who want to navigate through the issues affecting their mental well-being. The theme of the support group is not limited to any particular area. Each month, a different theme is taken and addressed in the support group (like insecurity, stress, etc).
  • What is your founding story?
    The Yellow Umbrella is an initiative to work on the issues on Mental Health. Lack of presence of support groups in the city was one of the concerns that we always wanted to address since the start of the initiative. During the first mental health festival that we organized in 2019, we included a Support Group as a part of it. With the overwhelming response that we received, we decided to make it recurring. We then approached Ms. Bhumika Jain from Samvedna Well-being to be the facilitator of the same and she gladly agreed to work with us.
  • Who are the facilitators behind Chhaanv ( छाँव )?
    The Yellow Umbrella has collaborated with Samvedna Well-being for Facilitation of Support Groups. Ms. Bhumika Jain (Counseling Psychologist)- Founder of Samvedna Well-being, MA in Psychology specialised in Counseling. IB DP Psychology Educator. She uses various approaches depending on the needs of the client. Some of them are CBT, TEAM CBT, ACT, Existential well being, etc

    Notes: The above information may change from time to time, and is shared with you to understand the background of where the support group comes from.
  • When was your support group founded? How has the journey been since then?
    Our support group was founded on 15th August, 2020. We have hosted 4 support groups since then - one in each month, from August. It has been a great journey so far. We have been able to reach a good number of people and have gotten good feedback. Some attendees from our first support group session have stuck with us and we keep seeing the same faces regularly. It has been a pleasure to be able to support people and we’ll continue to do so.
  • Who is your support group for?
    A support group that is not focused on any specific theme. It is open to all, and we have attendees from various backgrounds and from a variety of age groups (above 18). We welcome anyone and everyone, and talk about things they want to.
  • Explain your group's approach towards helping a person's mental health care.
    We do not provide any counseling but it’s a space to find peer support. We provide a non-judgmental listening space and if they need, we recommend therapists to them for personal sessions.
  • What is your group's approach towards professional mental health care interventions?
    Our organization has prepared a repository of mental health professionals and their contacts. We do not directly recommend any personnel but this repository of contacts has been made for anyone’s reference. Our facilitator is a counselling psychologist herself and is the primary responder in case a group member needs professional help.
  • How does one sign up? What’s the coordination process like?
    We release a registration form (a Google form) before each support group. The facilitator, along with Support group leaders, select the responders to invite. A confirmation mail with the link to the meeting is then sent to the selected participants.
  • Walk us through the average format of your group session.
    Our sessions are an hour long. We invite no more than 13 people and aim for no more than 10. The facilitator starts the sessions with some prompts, like a comic strip or a personal story. Then there is discussion around that topic. Everyone is given a chance to speak, if they wish to share. The facilitator moderates the discussion and fuels it with more prompts, questions, or sharing from the group member is taken as base to build on the further discussion. The session flows smoothly in an organic way. No judgements are given but sometimes tips from own experiences are shared by everyone. Feedback form is shared towards the end. We sometimes end the session with another small activity like watching a funny video.
  • What are your home rules/values?
    1. A Support Group is not the same as Therapy/Professional Counseling. It is a place to share your experiences and listen to your peers to support each other.

    2. Privacy and confidentiality of the people attending and their stories are of utmost importance. What happens in the Support Group, stays in the Support Group!

    3. Support Group is a non-judgemental space. If you have conservative views about sexuality, addiction, and other such experiences, we advise you to refrain from attending. Any kind of judgement/bullying/ discrimination for the stories of participants will not be allowed.

    4. Cameras will be required to be kept on during the online meeting because you’re beautiful! Also, we need the attendees to know that they’re important and are being heard. Even a nod means a lot. However, no one will be forced to speak up unless they are comfortable.

    5. Smoking/Drinking/Eating during the meeting is not allowed. Bathroom breaks are allowed.

    6. Organizers reserve the right to remove any participant who violates the decorum of the Support Group.

  • What do you hope for participants in your group to take back with them after a session?
    Venting out safe space, acceptance, some quick tips related to the topic/theme in the end.

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