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Here's what the emotions you're feeling are trying to tell you.

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Many of us may believe that the point of therapy or any mental health support is to help us to STOP feeling a certain way. This may come from a space of thinking that difficult emotions like anger, anxiety, fear, grief are “bad” or part of “negative vibes”. 🥺

But what if we told you, that our feelings are like messengers - they are trying to communicate something really important to us about ourselves and our surroundings. 🌿
Would you then want to stop or banish them?
Or would you be curious about them - would you want to invite them in to listen to what they have to say? 🌿

  • If you didn’t feel anxiety, you perhaps wouldn’t be monitoring your SP02, or keeping an eye out for Covid-19 symptoms.
  • If you didn’t feel anger, you perhaps wouldn’t question the systems around you.
  • If you didn’t feel fear, you perhaps wouldn’t be finding ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.
  • If you didn’t feel grief, you wouldn’t have experienced love. Love for rituals, places, people, things.
  • If you didn’t feel hopeful, you maybe wouldn’t be amplifying resources for others right now.

You are not a machine.

The emotions you feel, are helping you get through this. Sit with them. Don’t shame them. Don’t wish them away.

Listen to what they are trying to tell you.

What role does therapy play?

Therapy is a great space to help you recognize how you’re feeling, and know how much headspace you should give your emotions.

Through therapy you find ways to cope with them and understand what they’re trying to tell you. Especially when it starts feeling overwhelming.

You got this.

Our feelings are entry points to discover what we value/care about and turning that into helpful action 🌻

Therapy is one supportive space where you can learn about what your feelings are trying to say to you. You are a wholehearted human being, not a machine. 🤗

You got this, as always. ♥️

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