Type: Therapist, Therapy, Psychologist :

Aarushi Tiku (She/Her)

Aarushi (She/Her) is a mental health therapist from Auroville who practices online.

Aarushi is 29 years old, with at least 6 years of experience.

Therapy Services:   Individual Therapy (For Everyone) Also Works With Neurodivergent Folks Also Works With Disabled Folks Grief Counselling Also Works With Queer Folks 🏳️‍🌈

Replies in 48 working hours (2 days).Accepts Enquiries via Email.

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  • Practicing Since: 6 years
  • Appointments Via: Phone Call, Email, WhatsApp
  • Medium:
    • 🌐 Online
  • City: Auroville
  • Qualifications:
    • M.A in Applied Psychology, specialisation in Counselling
    • B.A. (H) in Psychology
  • Additional Qualifications:
    • The Trauma Research Foundation's Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies
    • Somatic Soul-Based Trauma Training 55 Contact Hours (Oct 2022-Jun 2023), Katie Asmus, Ma, Lpc, Bmp
  • Languages Known: Hindi, and English (English might be their primary language for therapy)
  • Hourly Fee (₹): 2,000 - 3,000
  • Payments Via: Bank Transfer, PayTM & Online Wallets, UPI/Google Pay
  • Available On: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
  • Notes: For sliding scale option, please get in touch. Fee for NRIs: 75 USD to 100 USD. Info mentioned in the 'Practicing Through' section are only for information purposes, please get in touch with Aarushi to decide upon the convenient time of the session. Free 15 min consultation/introduction call for new clients!
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  • Why did you choose to become a counsellor?
    I have always loved to know and learn about individuals and meet them where they are in their truths. Becoming a counsellor was never an active decision. It was an aspiration towards working with individuals and joining in their journey, to integrate parts of them in order for them to experience their true potential, drove me to pursue this work.
  • What excites you about your work as a counsellor?
    What truly excites me about my work is to see the growth one can witness in a non-judgmental, space sought by them. It beats my heart every time I see the force of resilience in deep suffering and how individuals show themselves in such powerful ways. I feel it’s a privilege to interact with the authenticity of individuals. Truly help me see a force in one’s vulnerabilities.
  • What do you hope for your clients to experience after their first session with you?
    I would like my client to know that patience is a rare virtue and a word of wisdom. It takes a seed, some time to germinate and grow into a tree. We are a part of nature, we try and embody some of these qualities to see us bloom in this process. The utmost joy of making a life worth living is when we nuture our nature.
  • What would you wish to tell a client who is thinking about seeking counselling?

    Therapy and counselling is not just a safe space, it’s a brave space. It requires commitment and effort from both client and the therapist to work together through things and bring changes in the client’s life. Therapy doesn’t always make us feel good. Real work in therapy can feel like a “workout” that suits one’s level.

    To do a deeper inner work, one can experience all types of emotions and feelings but in a space which can hold them to make sense of their parts. Its also true, that a therapist may not relate to everyone, or can be a fit for all the clients, which can impact the therapeutic work. Therefore, I encourage the clients to keep that in mind and share their feedback for us to navigate through and explore referrals to other professionals or modalities that fits them better.

  • Describe the relationship that you would wish to build with your client in counselling.
    I enjoy a transparent relationship in this collaborative work. I truly believe that this is your space and you are the driver of this vehicle and the road you want to take. I am here as a fellow traveller in this stage of your journey, while your journey is for a lifetime. The basic premise of my work is to help you understand what has happened so that to better understand what is happening in the here and now, those can then make meaningful changes in their lives.
  • In your counselling work so far, what has been your greatest learning from your clients?

    It’s an honour to be in therapeutic alliances with people who allow me to enter their lives in such deep ways. In my professional journey so far, I learned that:

    1. what we can accomplish is limited by the stories we’ve told about ourselves, becoming the strong inner dialogue and part of our identities.

    2. No matter how much we have gained, we will ultimately feel not good enough, if we have internalised that narrative about ourselves.

    3. My clients could really help me see that significant growth can often seem like feeling lost, in the beginning. Finding and learning about oneself is not a very smooth or pleasurable process. Its often painful and we can experience some internal and external resistance.

    4. Cognitively and intellectually gaining/ having the knowledge about something doesn’t really mean that the body senses it too. There is often a disconnect between knowing and feeling it. Language is both powerful and limiting.

    5. Individuals can have incredible resilience even in the light of extreme traumas.

  • What are some of your strengths as a counsellor that you value and appreciate?
    My multicultural lens and my spiritual practices helped me to gain patience, curiosity, compassion and faith in the goodness in each one of us. I feel a joy and richness in this work because of a sense of wonder and a stored wisdom I see in each of our unquiness, which becomes a powerhouse of energy, once we become aware of it.
  • What are some of the things you like to do in your free time?
    I love moving, walking, motorcycles, vegetables, smells, bicycles, wisdom, tractors, insects, dancing, music, horse-riding, naps, laughing, learning, writing, art and nature- basically exploring and engaging with life and its forms.
  • What are the areas of concern you address in counselling? Do you work with specific populations?
    I have been trained in working with clients experiencing distress, anxiety, mood concerns, relational concerns, life transitions, stressors, habit formation, motivation, substance use, grief, body image issues, stress, sleep difficulties, and emotional difficulties.I work with clients ranging from the age of 18 and above.
  • What is the therapeutic approach you use? How would you describe it to someone who wants to consult you for therapy?
    I am an Integrative therapist which means that I work with integrating different therapeutic styles depending on the clients and their contexts. However, my main work is grounded in client-centred and mindfulness-based practice.
  • How do you make your therapeutic practice a safe and affirmative space for queer and trans* folx?
    I offer a non-judgmental space to my clients across sexualities, genders and sexual orientations. I am an advocate of professional development and consistent learning, and keep myself up to date with affirmative training and workshops offered by the community in order to grow my understanding more closely. In order to keep my personal biases in check and provide a safe space for my clients, I actively seek personal therapy and supervision.
  • The Quote Aarushi Resonates With

    “Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

    Albert Einstein

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