Type: Resource:
  • Date Saturday, Jun 15 - Aug 10, 2024 (8 Sessions)
  • Time @ 10:30am - 11:45am
  • Event Medium Online
Cancer Support Group Event Banner

Cancer Support Group

Group Type: Support Group

Goals of the Group:

  • Provide emotional support and share resources among individuals affected by cancer.
  • Improve overall well-being and quality of life for those navigating the cancer journey.
  • Enhance coping skills, promote empowerment and advocacy, address practical concerns, and foster hope and resilience in participants.

Who Is The Group For?

  • Adults 18 years and above in India who are currently undergoing cancer treatment.
  • Individuals newly diagnosed or experiencing the challenges of ongoing treatment, in consolidation phase or in between treatment cohorts.
  • This group is not designed for those who are terminally ill or transitioning to end-of-life care.

Discussion Topics:

  • Understanding cancer and its treatment options.
  • Communication with healthcare providers.
  • Coping strategies and self-care.
  • Support networks and resources.
  • Navigating relationships.

What Will We Talk About?

  • Session 1 & 2: Understanding the big C - Introduction, building connections, cancer journey, and its impact.
  • Session 3 & 4: Communication with Healthcare Providers - Strategies, importance, role-playing exercises, and challenge sharing.
  • Session 5 & 6: Building Resilience and Support Systems - Support networks, self-care, and group activities.
  • Session 7 & 8: Navigating Relationships - Impact of cancer on relationships, communication strategies, and moving forward.

Glimpse of the Session:

  • Session 1: Introduction and Building Connections - Introduction to the support group, group members’ introductions, overview of session topics, basic screening, and reflective activities.
  • Session 2: Understanding the Cancer Journey - Overview of different cancer types, treatment options, psychoeducation, personal experience sharing, and managing side effects.
  • Session 3: Communication with Healthcare Providers - Participant experiences, strategies, role-playing exercises, and sharing experiences.
  • Session 4: Coping Strategies - Identifying emotional responses, managing anxiety, depression, sleep, fatigue, fear, and coping strategies.
  • Session 5: Support Networks and Resources - Identifying support systems, discussion on caregivers, building support networks, and group activity.
  • Session 6: Managing oneself and Self-Care - Impact on physical and emotional health, stress management, relaxation techniques, self-care plan, and barriers to self-care.
  • Session 7: Navigating Relationships - Impact on personal and professional relationships, communication strategies, setting boundaries, and sharing experiences.
  • Session 8: Reflection and Moving Forward - Reflecting on the group experience, reviewing personal goals, celebrating successes, and identifying ongoing support resources.

Please note that the session topics, order and other details may be subject to change based on the needs and preferences of the group members and facilitators.

  • Date: Saturday, Jun 15 - Aug 10, 2024
  • Time: @ 10:30am - 11:45am
  • Number Of Sessions: 8
  • ETA:
  • Event Medium: Online
  • Organized By: Organized By The Community
  • Address: Zoom/Google Meet
  •   Fee:   ₹ 4,000 - 8,000  
  • Notes from the organizer: Program Fee - INR 4000 for ( 8 sessions) India-based participants | INR 8000 for ( 8 sessions) participants outside India
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