This profile is part of a carefully curated list of event facilitators from around the country. does not employ, contract or operate the facilitators listed on the platform. Click here to learn more. 🙂
I’m a fibromyalgia and anxiety survivor myself. And I see so many around me who’re struggling because of lack of community, lack of vocabulary, lack of awareness. I want to work towards changing that. And as a writer and poet, I believe in the power of art to bring about cultural change.
We do performance and visual art events, including poetry reading, storytelling, music etc. The other part is where we work on catalysing community through support group and group therapy sessions.
Many things – like creating and participating in a discussion in a safe space, giving artists and survivors a platform and finally being instrumental in helping crack the shells of those who’ve been cooped up in their own helplessness.
The opinions expressed & links embedded on this profile are those of the individual/collective. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of or its Team.
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