Type: Resource:
Jo Picture
  • Age: 29
  • Facilitating Since: 10 years.
  • City: Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi
  • Can you share some details about your journey of choosing to work in the field of mental health with us?
    In the case of The Circle : A few friends and I felt that people around us were too afraid of therapy and we’d been hearing a lot of cases of child sexual abuse and just general assault in the lives of a lot of friends- both men, women and everyone else. This was when we were in undergraduate college. We just wanted to create space that is co created by everyone who participates. In the case of The Queer Question: My partner and I wanted to make ourselves visible and available to ask questions to, for anyone whether in the queer community or not. We wanted to do this in the hope of demystifying being queer in the country and to be the models we were looking for when we were younger to let young queer people know that it is okay to be gay 🙂
  • Tell us a bit about the kind of events on mental health that you facilitate.
    We do targeted, small sessions that try to dispel myths surrounding mental health. Usually open spaces without topics, sometimes with topics, activities and spaces created to administer movement therapy, pet therapy and others with professionals present.
  • What excites you about your work as a facilitator?
    The fact that it helps me more than it helps others. Rather selfish, but every single person I have met through both my organisations have been instrumental in the growth of me as a facilitator.
  • How do you think group interactions are helpful in addressing mental health and self-care for an individual?
    The Circle usually uses the idea that strangers are sometimes better to talk to than friends- because strangers often know nothing about you, no background, no idea. They often can objectively confront certain situations with a lot more help being offered than friends can. Secondly, a lot of the people who attend our sessions leave saying I thought I was the only one, but I know I’m not. We all have the habit of thinking the world is against us, and that view often changes when we know we have a few on this side of the line as well that could help us become better versions of ourselves.
  • In your work as a facilitator so far, what has been your greatest learning from your interactions with participants?
    That change, however slow and small is still change. That change is quiet, and like a tip toe and it doesn’t have to sound like a thousand bells. But, it is still change.
  • What are some of your strengths as a facilitator that you value and appreciate?
    I tend to use a lot of humour, when I facilitate, I can think quickly and I love playing and creating conversation. I’m well read in some areas and am a research student so I guess I have theoretical knowledge I can apply.
  • What are some of the things you like to do in your free time?
    I like to binge TV shows and books. I paint, do some lettering and I love discovering new music.
  • The Quote Jo Resonates With

    I am the master of my fate, and I am the captain of my soul

    Invictus, P B Shelley