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At a very young age, a very close mentor of mine had mentioned to me how I had a deep understanding of human characteristics and an innate ability to make valid inferences from human behaviour. Her observation led me to dig deeper into myself and therefore led me to where I am today.
We conduct events to raise awareness on various mental health issues. Our aim with these events is to normalise as well as make mental illnesses an approachable topic to discuss. We do this by displaying mental health through various forms of art and unconventional therapy.
On a community level, these events have a definitive impact. Just having these discussions in public and opening sharing personal stories is very cathartic as well as inspirational for listeners.
The more honest and open you are with your stories and lives the more you can expect the same from the person sitting across you. Humanity and compassion is the answer to the stigma around mental health.
Running, listen to music, reading and watching TED talks.
The Quote Jasdeep Mago Resonates With
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
The opinions expressed & links embedded on this profile are those of the individual/collective. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of or its Team.
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