Type: Resource:
Elita Picture
  • Age: 37
  • Facilitating Since: 9 years.
  • City: Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai
  • Can you share some details about your journey of choosing to work in the field of mental health with us?
    My journey of choosing to work in the field of mental health coincided with my own need to seek therapy. That coupled with the cathartic power of writing ā€“ both, personally (through my journal practice) as well as publicly on my blog (about being body shamed for being skinny and another on travel) ā€“ which is something I had already been doing for a few years, revealed to me an area of work I wanted to create and occupy. This is how Be You For You was born as workshops on expressive writing and personal narratives to enable folks to become aware of their inner storytelling.
  • Tell us a bit about the kind of events on mental health that you facilitate.
    Be You For You are workshops on expressive writing and personal narratives open to anyone who is above 18 years of age and keen on developing their sense of self-awareness.Folks between 14 to 18 years of age would have to be accompanied by a guardian. A primer workshop spans over 4 hours and includes:
    (i) What is the story you tell yourself?
    (ii) Occupy The Moment: Writing to explore mindfulness
    (iii) Reclaim You: Writing to explore authenticityThe takeaways include:
    (i) Awareness of the ā€˜stories we tell ourselvesā€™
    (ii) Creative tools for self-expression
    (iii) Insights into building a healthier relationship with Self and others
  • What excites you about your work as a facilitator?
    What excites me about my work as a facilitator is the people I get to meet. I get to meet and interact with people who are keen or curious about deepening their understanding of Self Because of the diversity, I am also always learning and adapting. No two workshops are ever the same. I modify content to match and meet the needs of the group as the workshop progresses. There ainā€™t a moment of predictability and thatā€™s exciting to me.
  • How do you think group interactions are helpful in addressing mental health and self-care for an individual?
    The sentiment that ā€œI am not the only oneā€ is an oft heard one at workshops for me. Folks seldom, if ever, know each other before coming to my workshops and yet within a span of four hours organically find a sense of safety and connection that encourages them to open up about topics like mental health, abuse, self-care and even pet-peeves that they otherwise arenā€™t/havenā€™t been able to talk about to their own friends and family.
  • In your work as a facilitator so far, what has been your greatest learning from your interactions with participants?
    My greatest learning from my interactions has been the power of authenticity and vulnerability. And that trust is key! Folks trust me as a facilitator and as an extension of that even each other. They are willing to show up as well as be seen and heard. No matter how many times Iā€™ve witnessed this happen, itā€™s always magical to witness over and over again
  • What are some of your strengths as a facilitator that you value and appreciate?
    Empathy, patience and ability to hold space for all kinds of sharing. These along with a sense of humour have been my anchor as I navigate my path as a facilitator through the different workshops that I do.
  • What are some of the things you like to do in your free time?
    My cat and three-legged dog are my distractions and my stress busters. So you can find me hovering over them with my camera.
  • The Quote Elita Resonates With

    To invent your own lifeā€™s meaning is not easy, but itā€™s still allowed, and I think youā€™ll be happier for the trouble.

    Bill Watterson