Type: Resource:


The Promise

TheMindClan.com is committed to accessibility for every individual using our platform to help them in their mental health journey. We hope to always ensure the services on this platform are provided free of cost, or at an affordable price to you.

In our ongoing efforts to ensure that no form of physical impairments come in the way of you accessing the information on our platform, wherever possible, we are dedicated to improving accessibility in the following ways.

Visual impairments:

  • We continue to improve our platform and its compatibility towards screen reader softwares.
  • We provide for alternate text detail for images rendered on screen, as well as links and titles on the content presented to the user.
  • We try and ensure that Form elements used to collect information from users have labels to ensure they can be accessed.
  • We also provide content tags to indicate headings and lists to assist page comprehension.

Dark Mode

  • Our platform now excessively supports dark mode, to promote eye care when you’re browsing the platform late at night. You can click here to activate dark mode.

Dyslexia Friendly Fonts

  • We also now excessively support dyslexia friendly fonts for easy reading. You can click here to enable the font for you!

In The Works:

  • Extended search functionality across the platform.
  • Ability to ’listen’ to the text on all pages of our platform.

Additional accessibility efforts are in progress, and as we continue to improve our website, we’ll update this page to include those improvements.