Things to know about seeking therapy from them.
Populations & concerns:
Ipsita Chatterjee (She/Her) is a mental health counsellor from Mumbai who practices online and offline. They practice in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai.
They're 31 years old and have been practicing since 9 years.
English, Hindi, and Bengali are some of the languages they know, and hourly fee is (₹) 3,000 - 4,000.
They have the following qualifications: Bachelor's in Psychology (University of Mumbai),Master's in Applied Psychology - Clinical specialization (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai).
Additional qualifications: Short Term Course Certificate in Couple and Family Therapy (TISS, Mumbai) Queer Affirmative Counselling Practices (MHI) Certificate in LGBTQ Counseling Competencies (American Counseling Association).
"I always felt that we need to talk more about mental health and that narratives of emotional well being, psychosocial concerns, individual, relational or familial concerns deserve some professional attention"
"Feeling validated, understood and safe."
"Small acts of showing allyship - transflag or badge during sessions. Ask pronouns to all clients. Let them actively know it's a safe space and provide them with the space to let me know if they feel otherwise. Advocate for clients in familial spaces or medical spaces too I acknowledge my own cis het privilege and let my clients know that while I may put all efforts I may make mistakes and I will always be accountable for them."
"Trauma, relational concerns, individual, couple, family therapy - for cis/queer/trans/nb/gender fluid clients, supportive work, psychosocial concerns, workplace challenges."
"My centeredness is in direct proportion of the danger my client is in ~ David Epston"
Accepts Enquiries via Email. Replies in 48 working hours (2 days).,
Inclusive Mental Health Resources.